Handouts From Drs. Levine/Makrauer’s Lecture
- Soft Tissue Considerations for Optimizing Implant Esthetics -2007
- Levine, Ganeles Jaffin et-al Multicenter Study of Wide-Neck Implants 2007
- Levine, Shulman Immediate Load Using a Modified-SLA Surface 2008
- Levine & Nack article: Team Tx Planning Replacement of Esthetic Zone Teeth With Implants 2011
- Levine ITI 5th Consensus Conference Group 3 Statements 2014
- Levine Cement Complications 2014
- Levine Compendium: Ti Mesh Part 1 2014
- Levine Ti Mesh Part 2 2014
- Levine BLT Implant Compendium 2015
- All On Four Fee Breakdown 2016
- Levine Tx of Failed Max Central 2016
- Esthetic Risk Profile